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B.A. in English: University of Texas-Pan American
M.F.A. in Creative Writing (w/ thesis defense/terminal degree): UTRGV
Ph.D. student: Curriculum & Instruction (Language, Diversity, & Literacy): Texas Tech
Fees May Be Customized Based On Needs/Times/Locations
--> Sliding Scale Available For Qualified Situations <--
(availability varies; book well in advance)
Full-Day Visit: 8 a.m.--4 p.m.: $1000
Evening Events/Weekends
Author Events * Speaker Events * Educator Inservice * Workshops
Author Event/Performance or Speech $1,000 + travel/per diem (+lodging if needed)
Educator Inservice/Training (Limit 50) $1,000 to $1,200 + travel/per diem (+lodging if needed)
See list of Inservice Topics; custom offerings as needed.
Author Event + Books: (substantial discount + shipping/taxes)
10 books= $70 * 25=$150 * 50 books= $275 * 75 books=$400 * 100 books=$500
Books Only: (30% discount, plus shipping/taxes)
10 books= $100 * 25=$225 * 50 books= $425 * 75 books=$650 * 100 books=$850
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